Smart RC devices / Daily / Weekly Chrono Programming
You can set a customized program on a daily/weekly basis for each of the following devices for self-consumption, connected to the same number of electrical loads:
- Relay on board of Elios4you (all models)
- Power Reducer
- Power Reducer RC
- Smart Plug RC
- Smart Switch RC
Each load can be set on mode:
- ON (red colour) = working / on, independently from the energy produced / purchased from the system
- OFF (green colour) = off, independently from the energy produced / purchased from the system
- AUTO (yellow colour) = set activation depending on production / purchase threshold of energy and switching on / off delays.
- To properly set thresholds read the tutorial.

1) From the screen “Consumption details” select the device you wish to program.
2) Use the button “Edit” on the line “Timer” to proceed with programming

3) Select a day of the week to start creating your program.

4) Set the program wished for each time band of 30 mins.

5) Using the menu on the top right, you can set the mode ON/OFF/Auto for each time band of 30 mins each day (All ON, All OFF, All Auto). From the same menu, you can also copy/paste that daily program to another day of the week.
6) Once completed the daily program, press “OK” and “Back”. Your customized program is now valid.