Can I set email notification on my system’s status?

Yes. With the 4-cloud portal’s additional services it is possible to set email notification in case of alarms generated by Elios4you. This is useful for additional information and to check the proper functioning of your own system and the Elios4you’s system. › Read the tutorial

The 4-cloud portal and my Elios4you system send me alarms: what do they mean?

Alarms noticed by the Elios4you system and sent as an email by the 4-cloud portal or visible on the free App “Elios4you” are useful for paying attention to some information registered, or not registered, by our products.

They might signal a malfunctioning or simply advice the user to check that the system is working well > See 4-cloud alarms

“Elios4you” App alarms: what do the 4 icons on top of the home screen stand for?

The 4 icons on top of the home screen of “Elios4you” App show whether there are alarms or not. › Show legend

I purchased a Smart Plug RC / Smart Switch RC, but I don’t see it on the App. What can i do?

If you already use Elios4you in the Smart version (witch the red cap) or Elios4you Smart, check that the Smart RC function is actually working on the App “Elios4you”.

› Read the tutorial to learn how to activate the RC Smart function


On the contrary, if you have a single-phase or three-phase Elios4you system in the standard version (not smart version), you shall […]

Can I create a customized program to activate household appliances and loads managed by Smart Plug RC and Smart Switch RC?

Yes, you can create a weekly chrono/timer program to automatically activate and deactivate household appliances and loads controlled by wireless Smart Plug RC and Smart Switch RC, thus using your homegrown energy.

> Read the tutorial

Can I set priorities to activate loads managed by Elios4you Smart and wireless accessories?

Gestione priorità carichi elettrici

Can I cut down consumptions by using “green” energy to automatically activate electrical loads?

Yes. You can self-consume the energy produced by your own system connecting one or many Smart Plug RC and/or Smart Switch RC to an Elios4you Smart system (both single-phase and three-phase).

Via the “Elios4you” App, you can manage up to 4 wireless plugs:

Smart Plug RC, for loads with electrical plug (household appliances such as washing machine, dehumidifier, stoves, electrical radiators, fans…)
Smart Switch RC, for […]

Can I activate electrical loads setting my own priorities, to use self-consumption at its most?

Yes. You can manage via the “Elios4you” App your own priorities to activate the Smart Plug RC and the Smart Switch RC setting delays and activating thresholds of each device.

» Read the tutorial

Can I activate an electrical load depending on the energy available from solar PV system?

Yes. You can self-consume the energy available connecting one or many wireless Smart Plug RC to an Elios4you Smart system (both single-phase and three-phase).

Via the “Elios4you” App, you can manage up to 4 Smart Plug RC connected to household appliances such as: washing machine, dryer, dehumidifier, fan etc.


Each load is easily managed via the free […]

How can manage the built-in relay of Elios4you?

Launch the “Elios4you” App → Menu → System parameters → Relay management → Auto → Change settings

Select the activation and deactivation threshold of the relay depending on the energy consumed by your boiler/heat pump.

EXAMPLE: if you wish to activate the 1500 W boiler connected to the relay only in when surplus energy is available, then use the […]