I would like to install Power Reducer SA but exchange energy meter is far: what is the cables’ maximum length?

It is possible to extend the CT cables of the Power Reducer SA up to 20 metres, using shielded cables at least 2×0.75 sq. mm.

What’s the maximum length of Elios4you CT cables?

It is possible to extend CT production and data exchange cables up to 20 metres, using shielded cables at least 2×0.75sq. mm long. If the distance to cover is more than 20 metres, it is also possible to replace the two cabled CT of Elios4you Smart with two wireless RC Energy Meter (single-phase or three-phase).

Is it possible to extend CT cables belonging to Elios4you and Power Reducer SA?

Yes. It is possible to extend CT production and data exchange cables of Elios4you up to 20 metres, using shielded cables at least 2×0.75sq. mm long.

If the distance to cover is more than 20 metres, the two CT shielded cables of Elios4you Smart can be replaced with two RC wireless Energy Meters (single-phase or three-phase). It is not possible to […]

How do I know if I am purchasing too much energy from the grid?

Users know they are purchasing too much energy from the grid thanks to the Consumption alarm of the Elios4you system: it notifies them when a custom value of energy purchased from the grid is exceeded.

In that case, the related icon on the home of the “Elios4you” App is ON. It is possible to activate email notification for […]

Is there an alarm in case of possible blackout due to excessive consumptions?

Yes. It is possible to use the Consumption alarm to know when consumptions exceed a custom value. This notification is especially useful for Elios4you system users to monitor their solar PV system.

Many users see alarm icons on their free “Elios4you” App, but they can receive email notification as well from the 4-cloud portal (subscription needed).

Consumption alarm on the “Elios4you” App: what is it for?

The Consumption alarm, when activated, gives information about overcoming a custom value of energy purchased from the grid.

It is frequently used to know how much energy the user is purchasing from the grid and whether they are reaching the maximum withdrawal capacity according to their energy supply contract, to avoid sudden blackout.

Beside the icons visible from the App, […]

System parameters on the “Elios4you” App: what are they for?

To have correct and reliable data detected by the system and displayed on the App and on the 4-cloud portal, it is necessary to set system parameters.

Once system parameters are all correct on the “Elios4you” App, it is possible to set also the Consumption alarm: for instance, this alarm is useful to know whether the user is reaching the maximum […]

“Elios4you” App: how to properly set system parameters

To properly set the system paratemers that are usually defined by the installer, follow this guide.

I installed an Elios4you system: where are the App monitoring functions?

After installing Elios4you control unit, download the “Elios4you” App from Android Play Store or Apple App Store and follow the guided procedure:

Android Wizard configuration 
Apple iOS Wizard configuration

From “Elios4you” App users can:

keep all your PV system data under control
check if alarm icons are ON (to activate email notification it is necessary to be subscribed to the 4-cloud portal)
program the devices usage monitored by […]

How can I set alarm notification via email on 4-cloud?

Read this tutorial